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Welcome from the Headteacher

I would like to extend a warm welcome to The Queen Katherine School.

Choosing the right secondary school for your child is very important; I hope that you find the information on this page helpful.

At QKS, our priority is positive relationships and our collective focus ensures that teachers and support staff really get to know each child. I teach all Year 7 students, I listen to them read and help them to develop the characteristics that are in our Proud to Belong vision.  Our whole staff structure is built around communication of information to know every child so we can effectively support every child.

QKS is a vibrant and caring community with a friendly atmosphere – as much energy goes into students’ experience outside the classroom as within.  We understand the importance of learning that goes on outside lessons such as during social time, daily form time, through our assembly programme, which delivers timely and expert information and, of course, through our extensive extra-curricular opportunities. All of this is acknowledged in a culture where we celebrate our achievements and those of others. QKS is a place where it is OK to be good at something and to be proud of that. 

I hope you enjoy browsing our website and that you will also take the time to look at our prospectus and Day at QKS video (links below) and that you will follow us on Facebook or Twitter to learn more about the incredible opportunities at our school.

If you are a primary parent and would like more information, please contact Laura Holliday, our Transition Lead laura.holliday@queenkatherine.org  Alternatively, if you would like to join us from another school, please email admissions@queenkatherine.org

Kind regards
Jon Hayes

School Videos

Whole Child

Main Video


Faculty Videos

 Learn more about our curriculum and how children are inspired in each subject department.








Please click the image below for our prospectus 2022-23.