Positive mental health is equally as important as having good physical health. As a school, we do all we can to provide support, guidance, education and resources to support the mental health of all our students and staff. We have a number of staff in school who are Mental Health First Aiders, they can be easily identified by their green first aid badges.
We work in collaboration with external agencies to support young people with the right level of support. In addition to our Mental Health First Aiders, we have three school counsellors based on site as well as a dedicated, non-teaching, specialist Pastoral Team who provide support, advice and guidance. All of this support is bespoke and tailored to the individual.
In 2022, we were awarded a Silver standard for our outstanding mental health and wellbeing provision. The School Mental Health Award is delivered by the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools.
Asking for help
Asking for help is the best way to get the support you need for your child. In school, your child can speak to any member of staff but theirs (and your) first port of call is usually your child's Form Tutor or Head of Year.
There is a wealth of information and support online; we recommend the following:
The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
Support during exams
We all know that exams can be an extremely challenging and stressful time. Please note that this is normal for your child to feel a little anxious during this time. However, if your child is struggling to manage their mood or anxiety levels, speak to someone. Friends and family members can be a great source of support as well as your child's your Form Tutor or Head of Year.
These websites are aimed at students and have lots of advice on taking care of themselves during revision, examinations, and waiting for the results:
Sources of help and information
NHS Five Steps to Mental Wellbeing
Keeping Safe Online - A Guide for Parents
The online world is a central part to a young person’s world view. The vast majority of online experiences are positive and helpful but all young people and their parents need to be aware of the dangers of the online world. The following links, from the NSPCC, will provide information that may be helpful:
Bereavement is difficult at any age and getting the right support to help your child through their grief is essential so that they can continue to live their best life. Child Bereavement UK and Cruse Bereavement Support offer support to individuals struggling with grief, including young people. Cruse also have a website dedicated to Young People who are struggling with grief called Hope Again. This website provides online support and videos to help young people understand and deal with their grief.
Other Wellbeing Recommendations
E-School Nurses - running twice weekly online health support and advice for parents, carers supporting children and young people aged 5-19 years old.
- Tough Cookies - a guide to growing up
- Kooth Online Counselling
- Samaritans
- Harmless (self-harm support)
- National Self Harm Network
- Frank (drugs and substance abuse advice)
- Outreach Cumbria (help, advice and support for LGBT community)
- HappyMaps - a charity developed by GPs and CAMHS professionals with help from parents and young people.
- Sam Tyrer - Sam is a Mental Health Nurse in Lancashire and his Family Hour sessions cover a wide range of topics that may be helpful to you and your family.
- Community Alcohol Partnerships - A parent's guide to preventing underage drinking
School Policies and Guidance
QKS Positive Mental Health & Wellbeing Guidance Talking to Kids about Healthy Internet Use
Silver Mental Health Award from Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health – February 2022
Press Release: Silver Mental Health Award