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Key Stage 3

Subject-based Curriculum: Key Stage 3

Our principal philosophy for Key Stage 3 is that students enjoy their learning; our aim is that all students acquire a genuine and deep interest in the core knowledge and skills of each subject area.

We recognise that Year 7 students join our community with a tremendous wealth of knowledge, skills and understanding and we work hard to celebrate and build upon this to ensure all students make rapid progress.  In Years 7 and 8, all students follow the same curriculum; students are taught in mixed ability groups for all subjects except Maths, which creates classes according to mathematical ability. In Year 7, students also study Resilience and Growth Mindset, and in Year 7 and 8, they participate in the Accelerated Reader programme. Students will be encouraged to share responsibility for their own learning; improve work based on teacher feedback to develop study skills through self-organisation and regular homework; to make use of Information Communication Technology; and to take advantage of any additional curricular, pastoral and personal support available to them. We provide Catch Up opportunities for students entering secondary below National Standards at Key Stage 2.

By Year 9, students have an opportunity to specialise their own curriculum through taster preliminary options. All students study a broad and balanced curriculum including the Core subjects of English, Maths and Science and all continue with Ebacc subjects including at least one Modern Foreign Language, Geography and/or History together with Religious Studies, ICT and Core PE. In addition, students then choose four additional subjects to build foundations in Year 9 from over 22 curricula as a foundation for KS4. This successfully allows students an opportunity to trial new subjects to ensure they study subjects they enjoy and are good at in Year 10 and 11. In term two, Year 9 students will make a guided choice of optional subjects to be taken at Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11). All students at Key Stage 3 have the opportunity to take part in an extensive range of Outdoor Education activities.  This is part of our commitment to the development students' resilience and confidence. 

All students in Year 9 also have the opportunity to attain the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award as part of our ‘Whole Child’ curriculum.

Please see parents' section of the website for options details for Years 8 and 9.

Year 7

Curriculum Breakdown - Year 7

Curriculum Overview by half term - Year 7 Core and Ebacc Subjects

Curriculum Overview by half term - Year 7 RS and Foundation

Accelerated Reading Summary for Year 7

Year 8

Curriculum Breakdown - Year 8

Curriculum Overview by half term - Year 8 Core and Ebacc Subject

Curriculum Overview by half term - Year 8 RS and Foundation

Accelerated Reading Summary for Year 8

Year 9

Curriculum Breakdown - Year 9

Curriculum Overview by half term - Year 9 Core and Ebacc Subjects