Subject Leader: Mr Sam Gibbs
Geography at QKS
Students will travel the world from the classroom.
The study of both physical and human geography empowers students with the knowledge and understanding to investigate the world around them.
Key Stage 3
During the journey through Year 7, 8 and 9 Geography students build on their key stage 2 knowledge.
At Primary School Geography is mainly taught within ‘topics’ and as such many students wrongly believe they have never been taught Geography. Year 7 focusses on Geography from a local scale through to global interconnections, then Year 8 investigates change through hazards and climate, both within the UK and farther afield. Year 9 culminates in an examination of one of the most complex regions of the world – the Middle East – before the final unit that not only challenges students’ perceptions, but also enables them to develop the tools to have a fact-based view of the world. Each year group also has a unit of work based on a key geographical text in order to promote literacy and wider-world thinking.
Geographical skills are taught, revisited and built upon throughout key stage 3 from traditional map skills, to interpretation of resources and the ability to examine different stakeholders’ points of views. There are an array of skills links with all subjects, particularly maths and science. There are also optional fieldtrips each year, as well as fieldwork investigations within the school grounds.
Key Stage 4
GCSE Geography provides students with an integrated and in-depth knowledge and understanding of why the world is the way it is and the interconnections between people, places and environments over differing geographical and temporal scales.
It encompasses a broad range of topics, such as climate change, natural hazards, shifts in economic power, ecosystems, urbanisation, physical landscapes and the sustainable use of resources such as food, energy and water. Within these topics, we explore case studies at a variety of scales and in countries with differing levels of development.
In terms of skills, students will experience fieldwork where they are encouraged to ask geographical questions; plan enquiries; collect, present, interpret, analyse and evaluate information from a variety of sources; and suggest further ideas for geographical enquiry. Geography also develops a wide range of general skills and capabilities that can be applied in everyday life, for example, decision-making; empathy; ICT; communication; an appreciation and respect for social, cultural and religious diversity; teamwork; creativity; and critical thinking.
Exam board:
Numerous trips to support geographical study and outside speakers
- Y7 - Ingleton Waterfalls walk and White Scar Caves
Y8 - Kendal FloodHub
Y9 - Morecambe
Y10 - Sorrento
Y11 - St Bees and Keswick
Y12 - Iceland*, Sefton Dunes/Morecambe and Kendal fieldwork
Y13 - Iceland*, East London/Olympic Park or Liverpool
* KS5 Iceland trip runs biennially.