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Food and Nutrition

Subject Leader: Mrs Anna Cormack


Food and Nutrition at QKS

We aim to teach students how to cook. Cooking well and affordably is a crucial and enjoyable life skill.


Our curriculum aims to ensure that students can:

  • understand and apply the principles of nutrition
  • learn how to cook

Key Stage 3

Practical lessons begin with basic activities such as making a fruit salad – this allows students to become familiar with classroom protocols for hygiene, safety and equipment in our specialist Food teaching facilities.

Practical lessons progressively require more skill and knowledge. Recipes are selected to allow mastery of skills but also to increase demand and complexity (e.g. fruit crumble after fruit Salad incorporates and builds upon the skills of chopping adding a further skill of rubbing in and using an oven). Practical lessons are directly linked to theory lessons to support students’ learning of nutrients and food groups in the dish being prepared (e.g. dairy product (calcium) → macaroni cheese, alternative proteins → vegetarian chilli).  In Year 9, students will respond to briefs (e.g. foods from around the world) and complete investigation work.

Students will also learn about food hygiene, equipment and measuring, healthy eating, nutrition, baked goods and catering for different groups of people.

Year 7 Food/Textile Design

Year 8 Food

Year 9 Food

Year 9 Creative Core Food

Key Stage 4

Food and Nutrition is a practical and creative course, which focusses on giving students the necessary understanding of how and when to use different food preparation skills to achieve a range of different outcomes and subject knowledge to provide the foundation for the coursework and final examination in Year 11.

Students will build upon prior learning from KS3 Food lessons, in particular, the subject content of cooking and nutrition. They will enhance their knowledge and understanding of what constitutes a healthy, balanced diet and good nutrition. This includes the Eatwell Guide, energy balance and the role of nutrients in a balanced diet. Before the start of the course, they have already have developed a range of different practical skills and made a repertoire of predominantly savoury products which meet current guidelines for healthy eating. Food hygiene and safety is an integral part of every lesson when preparing, cooking and serving foods.

Year 10 Hospitality and Catering

Year 11 Food

Year 11 Hospitality and Catering

Exam board:

AQA GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition

GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition Specification

WJEC Level 1/2 Hospitality and Catering

Hospitality and Catering Specification


  • Annual participation in Young Chef competitions