QKS Careers
Careers Lead: Mrs Pip Kingston
Tel: 01539 743900
Welcome to our QKS Careers page
Please scroll down to find the information you need to answer all your careers related questions.
If you require further information or would like to see additional material included on our careers page, please contact our Careers Lead, Mrs Kingston.
Our mission is to provide inspiration, information, advice and guidance, empowering students to make the best decisions about their future.
QKS Careers Strategy
Our new five-year Careers Strategy means that by 2023 we will have prepared a generation of QKS students to reach their full potential and find their true place in life, supported by amazing teachers, parents and employers in delivering an inspiring Careers programme.
QKS 2018-2023 Careers Strategy (reviewed September 2022)
QKS Careers Programme
Our programme for all students has two strands – inspiration and guidance.
Our objectives are to inspire, raise aspirations, be inclusive and focus on skills. We have lots of exciting events planned across all year groups throughout the year. The focus and frequency of events change as the students progress through the school.
KS3: QKS Careers Curriculum webpage
KS4: QKS Careers Curriculum webpage
KS5: Careers Curriculum webpage
The Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance
The Good Career Guidance report published in 2014 by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation identified eight benchmarks that are the core dimensions of good careers and enterprise provision in schools.
The QKS Careers Programme is being delivered according to the Gatsby Benchmarks, which form a framework endorsed by the DfE.
Provider Access Policy
We offer open access to a range of education and training providers to access all pupils in Year 7 to Year 13 for the purpose of informing them about approved technical education qualifications or apprenticeships.
Measuring Impact
How we measure the impact of our Careers programme
National Citizen Service (NCS)
Parents and guardians – if there is one thing that your child should do this year, this is it! It is a great opportunity for all students in Years 11 and 12. It looks good on their CV, can count towards the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award but most importantly is great fun.
QKS Partners
We could not inspire our students and raise their aspirations within the world of work without the support of our superb partners, employers and education providers.
Alumni and employers - we need you!
If you feel that you or your company could contribute in some way to our Careers programme we would love to hear from you!
QKS has nearly 1,000 students aged 11-18, all from this area and eager to live up to their considerable potential. At QKS, we pride ourselves on being able to offer these young people the best possible start in their search for meaningful and satisfying careers and would like to partner with you in doing so.
Please click on the link and complete a REALLY short survey, this will help our Careers Lead, Pip Kingston, develop a database of speakers and mentors who can be called upon to share their career journey and insights into their chosen professions.
QKS assemblies happen throughout the year, offering students the chance to hear from people who have struggled and succeeded, who know what it takes to achieve their dreams, and are willing to pass on their stories. Taking the survey does NOT commit you to anything, but it does let us know we could count you in – everyone’s journey is worth a listen!
What better (or easier!) way to support the next generation of local citizens, giving back to the community in which we all wish to thrive? If you have any questions or concerns, just email pip.kingston@queenkatherine.org
Current Events and Guides