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Business Studies

Subject Leader: Mrs Anna Cormack


Business Studies at QKS

The overarching aim of our Business Studies Curriculum supports the whole school’s curriculum rationale to learn and master a deep body of knowledge and skills being able to apply them in new contexts, building on what they have learned.

  • Students will gain a greater understanding of how organisations operate. This will be useful for any company they join or interact with and their knowledge of the ins and outs of the running of a business will make them a useful, adaptable and confident employee.
  • Good decision-making is an invaluable quality. Business Studies will allow students to develop the ability to quickly and efficiently make sensible, logical and informed decisions.
  • They will also develop numeracy skills in Business Studies as they study investment, funding and how to use and interpret financial data. These mathematical abilities are widely useful and will demonstrate to future employers that they have a logical, analytical mind.
  • Studying how organisations adjust to a changing market will teach them how to be an adaptable, flexible person. This is an extremely useful and desirable quality that will make them more than capable of taking on multiple roles within their career.
  • Business Studies also encourages organisation and planning ahead. Learning how to generate marketable ideas, access resources and develop business plans all require a great deal of organisation.
  • Problem-solving is a significant part of Business Studies. Aspects of the course such as coming up with a business plan that works, adapting to changes in the market and deciding whether or not it would benefit a company to employ people all require problem solving.
  • Business helps improves oral and written communication both of which are valuable life skills.

Key Stage 3

In Year 9, students have the opportunity to choose Business Studies in which they design and market a new dessert, plan and finance a party planning company, learn how business are owned, aims and objectives, recruitment and complete the coca cola challenge.

Year 9 Business Studies

Key Stage 4

In Year 10 students are introduced to the dynamic nature of business in relation to how and why business ideas come about; how to spot a business opportunity; how to put business ideas into practice; how to manage business finances; the main elements of the marketing mix and; understanding external influences on business.

In Year 11 students discover how businesses grow; how businesses make more complex financial decisions; how businesses make operational decisions and; how businesses manage their employees.

Year 10 Business Studies

Year 11 Business Studies

Exam board:


GCSE Business Studies Specification


  • After School revision classes