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Proud to Belong

  • QKS goes above and beyond excellent teaching to also provide young people with an amazing range of opportunities and experiences. B. Squires, parent
  • Pupils are happy and proud to belong to this school. Ofsted 2022
  • I couldn't wish for my child to attend a more supportive school, both academically and pastorally. D. Walker, parent
  • Pupils are supported effectively to meet the high expectations that adults have of their achievement and behaviour. Ofsted 2022
  • What strikes me is that the teachers I have met really care about their pupils.  P. Jackson, parent
  • Teachers have strong subject knowledge. Teachers check how well pupils have learned new knowledge. They give timely feedback to pupils. Ofsted 2022.
  • We have found that Queen Katherine is a school where its aspirations are lived out.  C. Russel, parent
  • This is a welcoming school. Everyone is included. Ofsted 2022
QKS Testimonials

|   A Welcome from the Headteacher

I would like to extend a warm welcome to The Queen Katherine School.

Everything we do at QKS is centred on the idea that we are all
'Proud to Belong', this is not just a motto but a way of life.

I am often asked what the best thing about our school is, quite simply, it is the people. Our dedicated teachers and support staff ensure that students are happy, confident and make a positive contribution to our school community and beyond. Children thrive when they are happy. In our vibrant, aspirational and caring community, each child is recognised as an individual and challenged to reach their full potential.

We hope you enjoy browsing our website and that you will also take the time to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to learn more about the incredible opportunities at QKS.

Mr Jon Hayes

|   Our Vision & Values

Enjoy Achieve Include Respect

'Proud to Belong' is part of everything we do and is an expectation for everyone in the QKS community.

We have a culture of celebration in school and as much time and effort goes into ensuring our students are happy, polite and resilient as goes into their learning in each of their subjects.

We want all our students to leave as well-rounded individuals who have the motivation and confidence to find their own way in the world.

|   Proudly Presenting

  • 955


  • 117

    Teachers & Staff

  • 237

    DofE Students

  • 40


  • 1

    Proud School

| Duke of Edinburgh Champion School

A record-breaking number of students are completing DofE Awards at our school right now! QKS has a long history of success running the world’s leading achievement award and since 2017, this opportunity has been open to every student in Year 9 as part of our ‘whole child’ curriculum.

Achievement and success are not limited to academic qualifications; we want our students to take on responsibility; try new things; challenge themselves; dig deep and show resilience to stick at things; work as a team; tackle problems with confidence and give something back to the community.